Every means of transportation that meets needs maintenance. The aircraft in particular must be kept under control. Flight hoursIn myAirline maintenance is required every 100 flight hours. When performing maintenance the counter of maintenance is updated to 100 hours. Example: An airplane has 357 hours of flight maintenance required 400 hours of flight. Maintenance is performed, then the next required maintenance will be up to 457 flight hours (the current 357 + 100). So there are two cases in which an aircraft can be found: - No maintenance required: the plane made last maintenance within 100 flight hours ago. However maintenance can be performed optionally.
- Requires mandatory maintenance: the plane made last maintenance more than 100 flight hours ago. Maintenance must be done otherwise the aircraft may be subject to failures in flight. To learn more visit the troubleshooting section.
Maintenance's CostMaintenance's cost is calculed in the base of the price of the aircraft deducted in your base: - at the flight's hours
- how many time the aircraft is been sold
So an aircraft more flight's hour had and more the maintenance's cost raise! However is possible save on maintenance's cost. When an aircraft is on your hangar the maintenance's cost decrease of 50%!Maintenance's TimeThe time for the maintenance of an aircraft (like the cost) is calculed on the base of the flight's hours of the aircraft. An aircraft more had flight's hour more controls are necessary. However is possible save on maintenance's time. When an aircraft is on your hangar the maintenance's time decrease of 50%!Discount and major benefitsFor earning benefits and major savings on yor maintenance you should have a better buyer's staff, mechanic and engineer that are showing in the next chapter.