
Weather forecast

From the list of selectable flights every destination will come with the expected weather en route. Weather conditions will be different according to destination ( the same within a State) and will effect flight time and, of course, fuel consumption.

En route weather and time of arrival

Weather conditions will effect flight travelling time also depending from the pilot’s intelligence ( for more information see section “Pilot Skills”). Time of arrival will be effected as follows.
  1. Clear: no delay
  2. Clear/Partly cloudy: no delay
  3. Partly cloudy: no delay
  4. Overcast: no delay
  5. Rain/partly sunny: may cause a slight delay
  6. Rain: may cause a slight delay
  7. Snow/partly sunny: may cause a slight delay
  8. Rain showers: may cause a significant delay
  9. Snow: may cause a significant delay
  10. Thunderstorm: may cause a heavy delay
  11. Snowstorm: may cause a heavy delay
  12. Hailstorm: may cause a heavy delay
  13. Fog and low visibility: may cause a remarkable heavy delay
  14. Sandstorm: may cause a remarkable heavy delay
Please note that maximum delay factor is 25%, therefore flying in extremely adverse weather conditions may cause a maximum of 25% time increase of the travelling time expected.

En route weather and fuel consumption

Also fuel consumption will be effected by en route weather conditions as follows.
  1. Clear: no increase
  2. Clear/Partly cloudy: no increase
  3. Partly cloudy: no increase
  4. Overcast: no increase
  5. Fog: no increase
  6. Rain/partly sunny: may cause a slight increase
  7. Rain: may cause a slight increase
  8. Snow/partly sunny: may cause a slight increase
  9. Showers: may cause a significant increase
  10. Snow: may cause a significant increase
  11. Thunderstorm: may cause a remarkable increase
  12. Snowstorm: may cause a remarkable increase
  13. Hailstorm: may cause a remarkable increase
  14. Sandstorm: may cause an increase
Please note that maximum fuel consumption increase factor is 20%, therefore flying in extremely adverse weather conditions may require a maximum of 20% extra fuel to complete the flight.