
Premium Account

The premium package

The premium package let you to access a lot functions that enrich your game's experience. You won't enjoy of any benefit in the game if not that to live it with a major pleasure and we let to tell that with with package thereis a major fun! Moreover your contribution will foster myAirline in the future! For being able to usufruct at best of the premium package you must have installed on your computer the up-to-date version of Adobe Flash Player. For knowing if your computer has a suitable version of Flash Player.

Premium demo

The premium demo will let you value free and for 7 days the premium package. This demo will let you access at all function but the only difference in respect to the payment version stay in the fact that in this demo you will see the advertising. You remember thatyou will be able to active demo version just once on your account.

Purchase of the premium package

The purchase of the premium package will let you usufruct of his function for some time. You can make the purchase for periods changeable from 1 month until 1 year. More is long the period that you choose and less will be the medium monthly cost of this package. Also the premium package's renewal will be able to be performed anytime and the possible purchase will be able to prolong your subscription. Go to price's section.